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Health Professions Advising Office

Welcome to the Health Professions Advising Office! 

Explore. Plan. Succeed.

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Connecting with students at Orientation, we work with students throughout their time at Appalachian, and beyond graduation when necessary.  We routinely see around 1000 students a year through individual advising, workshops, class visits, and other programming.  

Our alumni, who regularly used the HPA office in their journeys, are often very successful in gaining admission to their chosen health professions programs. 

Make an appointment

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Health Professions Requirements

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News & Events

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Staff Directory

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Appalachian Success Stories

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  • Writing Center
  • Major Checksheets
  • Student Learning Center
  • Supplemental Instruction
  • Office of Student Research
  • 最新 搬瓦工VPS手动搭建梯子教程(解决一键搭建空白问题 ...:2021-10-27 · 10.2日更新 :至6月份开始封禁后,很多爬墙方式都受到沉痛打击,现在我推荐给大家的有2种方式: 1、仅需爬墙的用户,购买Just My Socks是最好的选择(优惠码+购买教程,而且我单独给大家整理了使用攻略) 2、购买VPS,首选当然是搬瓦工(6.38%优惠码),购买VPS,搭建的方式为(V2ray …
  • Career Development
  • University Tutoring


Celeste Crowe, Director
Holmes CC 038,  Levine 101

Catherine Sherrill, Advisor
Levine 101, Holmes CC 051

How to Schedule an Appointment:
Online: Book Now with Appointlet
Phone:  828-262-8590
In Person:  Levine 101 or Holmes Convocation Academic Lobby 

Summer 2024 Schedule: 
Virtual Appointments 

Ms. Crowe
Med, Dent, Pharm, Opto, Vet Med

Ms. Sherrill
PA, PT, OT, AT, and others

Join HPA listserv
click here


HPA Events & Important Information

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